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Claudio Pontiggia: IMMAGINI E PERCORSI Claudio Pontiggia:
Immagini e Percorsi

(Altrisuoni 080)

[Click artist name to see discography]
Claudio Pontiggia, French horn · Jean-Christophe Cholet, piano · Heiri Känzig, bass, basse frappée · Olivier Ker Ourio, chromatic harmonica · Irene Ferrarese, Celtic harp

La Micra · Impro Basse et Cor (Bass and horn improv) · Daniggiu · Danse Slave No 10 · Sliding Doors · Impro basse (Bass improv) · Remembering · Le Cordonnier · Danse No 6 · Calling You

Beautiful record from Swiss French hornist Pontiggia mixing distinctly jazzy songs and arrangements with folk music-type instruments (chromatic harmonica, Celtic harp). Cholet is an exceptional, sensitive pianist. The tunes and timbres is are delightful.

Price: $15.00
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